(1) lift arm (2) make a fist (3) narrow eyes and scowl (4) shake fist (5) say "i shake my fist at you, _________!"
feel better now?
is something making you shake your fist?
Got something to rant about? I am accepting rants (anonymous or not, whichever you'd like) to post on this blog! Here's what to do:
1) Write a rant. 2) Email it to me at: ishakemyfistatyou@gmail.com 3) Let me know if you would like it to be anonymous, or if you don't mind me saying who it was written by.
Let the ranting begin!
about this blog
I needed a place to rant. To get out my frustrations so that they don't fester and so that I can let them go. This is that place.
The fact that we need this bumper sticker just destroyed any faith I had left in humanity. But, on the bright side, it did make me chuckle.
LOVE it. I think there are some other ones belonging in the same family:
THEIR does not equal THEY'RE
IT'S does not equal ITS
oooohhh I want this!
Me too! I have no idea where I can find it in real life, though.
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