Thursday, July 10, 2008, why do you hate me?

I have my comment settings set up so that I should be receiving an email when I am left comments. I like getting comments, and I like knowing that I got comments.

But guess what I'm not getting? Comment notificiations!

I shake my fist at you, Blogger!!!

I have tried researching the problem, and see that it's not just me. On the Blogger Help "Known Issues" page, I found this entry that says "Some comment notification emails are not being sent. We are investigating this issue. Update, 12/6: This has been fixed. — latest update on Thursday, December 06, 2007" Well, it may have been fixed, but it's back again!

Then I looked on the Blogger Help Group pages. And I found several posts about this issue. One of the things they say to try is changing your email to a different host. So, I switched mine from my Hotmail to my Yahoo. This **seems** to be working, but the issue is still making me mad!!!!!!

Why did it stop working in the first place!? Grrrr. And argh.

**Update: Hmm. Maybe the title of this post should have been "Hotmail, why do you hate me?"**


FB @ said...

Who knows the mind of Blogger?

I wish they'd bloody get their act together and organize the pictures properly in Picasa ( I can't see them) and make cleaning blog posts easier, as well as a whole host of other suggestions they should ask me about LOL

Demonic Blonde said...

I don't get the notices either.

Rachel/The Sheriff said...

I get notices, but I can't figure out how to make them go to any e-mail address other than my Google one. Oh wait, they do come to my Hotmail, but if I want to make a comment in your blog and have it alert me if anyone else commented then it defaults to my Gmail and that drives me nuts because I don't use that as my main e-mail!

PunkRoqPrncess said...

man... they need a better QA team over there.